Thursday, December 4, 2008

greetings and casting on


I am pulling out my old WIP socks. first the matching (or try to matching) pair of Charade out of Smooshy Dream in Color. When I get that done, I shall pull out my other WIP, the froot loop that I started a long long time ago...

I think joining the Sock KAL is pretty clear... I want to finish some socks in my WIP pile. These socks are for me, but my mom wears the same size shoes as me, so Maybe I'll give her a pair.

I don't have a deadline to finish these socks... just anxious to want to wear the Charades, I really like the first sock that i finally finished, so I want to knit the other pair.

I don't have any suggestions for holiday socks..sorry.

I have some socks that rocks in my stash... maybe i'll dive in and knit a sock pattern from the sock club this year.

1 comment:

Quinn said...

Ella, I'd love to see a photo of the sock you are trying to match to :) Way to go on the WIP-busting! I should probably do that instead of starting another project... ;)